Members, Volunteers & Partners
The Chesterfield Conservation Commission currently consists of five active members and one alternate member who share the responsibilities on the commission:
Lynne Borofsky (chair)
Kathy Thatcher
Pam Walton
Bruce Jacobs
Susan Donahue
Ken Holvik (alternate)
Judy Idelkope as Selectboard Representative
Chris Oot (budget consultant)
The meeting minutes archive can be accessed here.

Trail Adopters and Volunteers
We maintain our trails using an Adopt-a-Trail strategy. These folks help us maintain the trails. If you interested in helping us out or learning more about it, please contact us at
Friedsam Town Forest:
Cemetery Loop: Connie LaFleur
Sargent Trail: Jeff Scott
Ancient Oaks Trail: Pam and Ken Walton
Audrey’s Meander/ Skil trail: Ray and Darlene Dunn
Madame Sherri Forest (Western Section of WMT):
Madame Sherri Trailhead: Carey Compton
Daniel’s Mt. Trail: John Bauby
Ann Stokes Loop: Kathy Thatcher
Daniel’s Mt Loop: Paul LInk
Mine Ledge Trail: Erin Skaggs
Mine Ledge to Wantastiquet Natural Area Summit Trail: Position open
Bear Mt. Connector and
Bear Mt. Trail: Mike Darcy and Tagalongoutdoors
Keene Connector Trail (partnership with Monadnock Conservancy and Antioch):
Draper Road/Hines Road: Wayne Dingman and Lynne Borofsky
Beals to the hourglass: Paul Link and Tom Duston
The Hourglass to California Rd. : Joe Babonis
California Road to Horatio Colony: Karl Gottschalk
Horatio Colony Trails: Paul Bocko, Horatio Colony/Antioch NE Collaborative
Chainsaws on call
John Herrick, Jeff Scott, Ray Dunn, Ken Walton, and Erik Shifflett
Bridge and Steps Builders
Cory Shepherd, Jeff Scott and Ray Dunn
We have a strong history of partnerships with other environmental groups to work on shared trails, educational opportunities, conservation land acquisitions, and preservation of water bodies. Interested in helping? Contact us.